OK, we are so late to post this (we’ve been meaning to share this news for a few weeks now…very busy!).

It looks like every analyst (and their brother) is forecasting even bigger gains in the housing market this year.  It’s amazing actually how the press on this topic is changing so fast and so aggressively.  Take a look at these numbers that were sourced from a great post on the Wall Street Journal’s blog.

Looking at the table again, the word that pops back up is “aggressive”.  Some of these estimates are almost twice as high!

An interesting quote from the article…

A quarterly survey of more than 100 economists and housing forecasters last found that all but two expect prices to rise this year, with the average forecast of a 4.6% gain.

Read the full post on the Wall Street Journal’s blog and if you are in need of financing for a move in this exciting real estate market, please give us call today at 888-333-0075 so that we can help you understand your options.